Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 7, 2018

Bird’s Nest's Cleaning Process

Bird’s Nest's Cleaning Process
Bird’s Nest's Cleaning Process

This is sad but the truth is this. Bird’s Nest contains very high soluble protein which helps in our epidemic growth and has anti-aging properties. However, most Bird’s Nests available in the market are processed using bleaching agents, harmful chemicals and contain preservatives. Thus, destroying the precious nutrients - the soluble protein found in Bird’s Nests.

We take Bird’s Nest's cleaning seriously.

Each piece of Bird's Nest was cleaned thoroughly using only Reverse Osmosis Distilled Water. Other dirt and feathers were plucked out painstakingly using forceps. This is a long and tedious process but that is how we deliver quality Bird’s Nest products. Right from the right harvesting methods to our stringent quality control, only can we ensure the most authentic and cleaned Bird’s Nests safe for you and yor family's consumption. Your health in our responsibility!
Traditionally, the Bird’s Nests are heated dry using an oven. This resulted in a huge loss of Bird’s Nests nutrients after the direct heat.
At Company Bird’s Nest, we use a "Freeze-Drying" method to dry every piece of Bird’s Nest. This drying method is done by freezing water moisture and sublimate it to gas, hence all nutrients are able to perserved.
Bird’s Nests are a good absorbent. Swiflets' Bird’s Nests tend to easily absorb dirts and chemical elements from their surrounding. Thus, the environment is one of the most crucial factor that affects the quality of Bird’s Nest. At Company Bird’s Nests, we build our bird houses organically and use advanced technology to maintain the bird house's humidity and cleanliness. The unqiue design of our bird house is done to prevent the invasion of pests. Certainly, the Bird’s Nests collected from our bird houses is definitely top in quality!

Bird’s Nests Cleaning Process:

Premium grade and quality raw Bird’s Nest were chosen in a temperture controlled environment to eliminate heavy metals contamination.
Next, skilled and well-trained workers were employed to separate the feathers and dirt using tweezers.
Using only reverse osmosis distilled water to ensure the cleanliness of each Bird’s Nests and the natural shape of the nest is preserved as it is.
Stringent quality control are carried out to ensure the each and every piece of Company Bird’s Nests achieved the specification set. Cleaned Bird’s Nest were categorized according to its grade.

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